Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Marketing kick in the butt.

Today, as I was doing my usual online "research," I came across a post on Biznik by fellow marketer Robert Middleton. He challenged fellow networkers to reveal the marketing projects that they've been putting off for too long. Here's the post:

Bet your car marketing projects.

Recently, with a group of business owners I'm coaching, I gave them a challenge to take on a marketing project that they were resisting or procrastinating about. In addition, there was a consequence if they did not complete this project by a given time - usually a donation to a group they'd prefer not to donate to!

Here's the challenge: What is a marketing project that you will initiate (or complete) by a certain time? And would you "bet your car" that you'll complete it? No, I won't come and collect your car if you don't, but thinking this way really changes your perspective and often propels you into action.

Just list the project you will initiate or complete and, if you like, the consequence you will pay if you don't complete it.

I thought that his post was very thought-provoking and interesting. Having a consequence for not doing my marketing puts it in perspective: if I had to donate money to a group I despised, I would definitely get my projects going!

Isn't it funny how motivated you become once there's some negative reinforcement?

What marketing projects have you been putting off and would get started if the consequence was really bad? Share, please!

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