Friday, January 16, 2009

Tag Team Marketing: Three Ways to Cross-Market Your Business.

Today I had a meeting with an awesome Kick-Butt Business Coach, Amy. We met to discuss all the potential ways we can cross-promote our businesses.

You're probably wondering what a copywriter and a business coach have in common. On the surface, not a whole lot. But here's the thing: Amy does sessions on nailing down ideal clients. 

In case you don't know, if you want to write marketing content that turns prospects into clients, earns more sales, and helps your business grow, you need to write content for your audience. Your audience should be your ideal client.

As it turns out, it makes my job a whole lot easier when my clients know who they're trying to reach through their marketing. It seems that an individual who has just figured out who they should market to would need some marketing written. Working--or cross marketing--with Amy is a perfect fit. I can send her clients that need a bit more help nailing down their ideal client, and she can send me folks that need help writing marketing material after she's coached them. 

The moral? Find a professional you can cross-market with. Focus on the type of clients they attract--not their industry. That way, you won't rule anyone out and give yourself an excellent opportunity to grow your business. 

Here are a five ways to benefit from cross-marketing:

1. Share email lists. 
If you and your potential cross-marketing partner have similar client bases, advertise on the other's list. For instance, a graphic designer and writer might promote each other on their email newsletters or blog. Similar services with similar clients.

2. Do a Joint Mailing.
Direct mail can be expensive, but not if you can share the cost with a partner. If you send out a postcard or do a mailed promotion, partner up!

3. Have a workshop.
If you and a business acquaintance have industry expertise in slightly different areas, offer a workshop. For instance, an accountant and a financial advisor might prepare a tag-team presentation on preparing taxes on planning a yearly budget. If you do a workshop with another professional, you'll offer the audience more bang for their buck.

Really, the ideas for cross-promotion are endless. I hope this post gets your wheels turning.

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