Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Publish articles, make an impression.

I'm honored to be the feature article today on Biznik. My article "No Offense, But Your Customers Don't Care About You," was published prominently on Biznik's front page.

 I hope the article will get a positive response and help people. Here's the lesson: write articles for your ideal client and publish them online. Article writing is a great way to reach your audience, get some publicity, and have some internet fun.  (I don't know about you, but I'm obsessive about watching for comments!)


  1. Great Article! I also like that I was featured in it :-)

    I'm going to review all my marketing material and really decide what are the next steps to building my brand and keeping my prospects coming back.

    Paul Anderson

  2. Lindsey, This was a great article. Very helpful. I hope we'll get the chance to work together on a project very soon.
